From 1st October 2008 an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is required for all property whilst being advertised For Sale or For Rent. Energy Performance Certificates give information on how to make your home more energy efficient and reduce your energy costs.
EPCs contain:
- Information on your home’s energy use and typical energy costs.
- A recommendation report with suggestions to reduce energy use and save money.
- Details of the person who carried out the EPC assessment.
- Who to contact if you want to make a complaint.
Energy use and potential savings
EPCs carry ratings that compare the current energy efficiency and estimated costs of energy use with potential figures that your home could achieve. Potential figures are calculated by estimating what the energy efficiency and energy costs could be if energy saving measures were put in place.
The rating measures the energy efficiency of your home using a grade from ‘A’ to ‘G’. An ‘A’ rating is the most efficient, while ‘G’ is the least efficient. The average efficiency grade to date is ‘D’. All homes are measured using the same calculations, so you can compare the energy efficiency of different properties.
An EPC is required when a building is built, rented or sold. A building is defined as a structure with a roof and walls which uses energy to ‘condition an indoor climate’. This means it has heating, air conditioning or mechanical ventilation.
You should receive an EPC when you enquire about buying or renting a home. You’ll need to provide one if you are selling or letting your home. An EPC is valid for ten years.
If you are a landlord or homeowner and need to provide an EPC, you’ll need to contact an accredited domestic energy assessor. They will carry out the assessment and produce the certificate.
Accreditation schemes make sure that domestic energy assessors (DEAs) have the right skills and are able to carry out the survey to agreed standards.
At Gower Dawes we have DEA’s who are able to carry out the assessments for you.
EPC – Price £90.00 plus VAT (108.00 INCLUDING VAT).